Not all rolling papers are created equal. They come in different sizes based on length and width, based on how much herb you'd prefer to smoke in one go. 

Papers can also be made out of different materials.
Wood Pulp - The classic. These days, wood pulp papers are considered old school. They're easy to roll and stay lit reliably, but they also burn quickly, they aren't that environmentally friendly, and they can have a harsh taste.
Rice - Rice papers are a favorite among stoner pros. They burn slowly, they're almost tasteless-- and they're very thin. Almost translucent. This also makes them harder to roll and keep lit. But once you get the hang of it, the rewards of rice papers are plentiful and well worth it.

Hemp - Hemp rolling papers are quickly overtaking wood pulp as the most popular material. Sourced from industrial hemp fibers, they are a nice middle ground compared to wood pulp and rice. 

From wraps to papers,

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